
Cultivating Leadership Excellence: Sun Tzu Approach

Leadership Excellence

Sun Tzu was a legendary Chinese military strategist and philosopher who wrote the influential book “The Art of War”. His teachings have been applied to various fields, including business, politics, sports, and even personal development. In this article, we will explore how Sun Tzu’s approach can help us cultivate leadership excellence in our own lives and careers.

The Five Traits of a Leader

According to Sun Tzu, a leader should possess five traits: intelligence, credibility, humaneness, courage, and discipline1. These traits are not innate, but can be developed through practice and experience. Let’s look at each trait in more detail.

  • Intelligence: A leader must be competent and knowledgeable in his or her domain, as well as understand the needs and challenges of the followers and the competitors. A leader must also be flexible and adaptable, able to respond to changing situations and opportunities. Intelligence is not just about being smart, but also about being wise and strategic.
  • Credibility: A leader must have a reputation of trustworthiness and integrity, earned by delivering on promises and demonstrating expertise. A leader must also align his or her actions with the values and goals of the organization, and communicate them clearly and effectively. Credibility is not just about being honest, but also about being consistent and reliable.
  • Humaneness: A leader must show respect and care for the followers, peers, and even adversaries. A leader must treat them as if they were his or her own children, and inspire them by example. A leader must also recognize the strengths and contributions of others, and empower them to achieve their potential. Humaneness is not just about being kind, but also about being empathetic and supportive.
  • Courage: A leader must have the courage to face risks and challenges, and to make difficult decisions when necessary. A leader must also have the courage to admit mistakes and learn from them, and to seek feedback and improvement. Courage is not just about being brave, but also about being confident and resilient.
  • Discipline: A leader must have the discipline to follow through on plans and actions, and to maintain focus and order. A leader must also have the discipline to control his or her emotions and impulses, and to avoid distractions and temptations. Discipline is not just about being diligent, but also about being self-aware and self-regulated.

The Way of the Leader

Sun Tzu also emphasized the importance of understanding the Tao, or the way, of the organization2. The Tao is the culture and the process that influence the conduct and the outcome of the business. A leader must first understand the Tao, and then align his or her own actions and decisions with it. A leader must also influence the Tao, and shape it to achieve the desired results.

Sun Tzu advised leaders to adopt an attitude of adaptive opportunism, which means to wait and watch for the right moment to act, and to seize the opportunities that arise from the errors or weaknesses of the competitors. A leader must also create an optimal situation for the followers, by providing them with the necessary resources, guidance, and motivation. A leader must also create a competitive advantage for the organization, by leveraging its strengths and exploiting its opportunities.


The Limitations of the Leader

While Sun Tzu’s approach can be very useful and effective for cultivating leadership excellence, it is also important to recognize its limitations and challenges. Sun Tzu’s work was written for a different context and audience, namely the ancient Chinese warfare and generals. Therefore, some of his advice may not be applicable or appropriate for the modern business environment and managers.

For instance, Sun Tzu treated warfare as a situation where moral rules are suspended and anything goes. However, in business, there are ethical and legal boundaries that must be respected and followed. A leader who violates these boundaries may face serious consequences, such as losing trust, reputation, or even facing lawsuits or criminal charges. Therefore, a leader must balance the Sun Tzu approach with the moral and legal principles of the society and the industry.

Another challenge of applying the Sun Tzu approach is that it requires a high level of skill and experience, as well as a deep understanding of the situation and the environment. A leader who lacks these qualities may misinterpret or misuse Sun Tzu’s teachings, and end up making poor or harmful decisions. Therefore, a leader must constantly learn and improve his or her own abilities and knowledge, and seek advice and feedback from others.


Sun Tzu’s approach to leadership is based on a combination of five traits, a way of thinking and acting, and a recognition of the limitations and challenges. By following his teachings, we can cultivate leadership excellence in our own lives and careers, and achieve success and satisfaction. However, we must also be aware of the differences and nuances of the modern business world, and adapt and modify Sun Tzu’s approach accordingly. As Sun Tzu himself said, “The art of war is of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.”

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